Sunday, November 7, 2010

Splish splash, I was taking my first bath

Recently my umbilical cord came off and the doctor said I was now ready for my first submerged bath. I didn't know what to expect exactly, I thought it might be like when I was in mommy's tummy, all warm and cozy. Boy was I wrong. Bath time was anxiety inducing to say the least, for both me and mommy. Daddy kept his cool because he was excitedly taking pictures of me, which made me even more mad! But I am glad he did.

When the bath was finally over, I was rather chilly and wanted to get dressed but dad said we had to take a few more pictures...

So I put on my best face.

Mommy and Sneakers helped me pick out a cute outfit.

And I was finally able to relax on the bed. At the end of it all, bath time wasn't so bad.  - Roxy


  1. Thank you so much for making a Roxy blog! I look forward to each new post and all the wonderful photos!!

  2. Roxy is beautiful. I can't wait to meet her! I love the blog, now I will get to know Roxy before I meet her in December.

  3. oh man!! you need to stop with the extreme level of cuteness. i can really hardly handle it... she is TOO adorable. love you guys!

  4. I love her belly! She is so precious and so are you and Dylan!
